Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Cussing Isn't a Sales Pitch

Even though, when you really break these phrases up into literal translations, cussing is actually extremely silly, these meaningless words still cut. Even when hurled from the throats of strangers, profanity has a unique power to undermine your humanity and make you feel bad, regardless of the fact that the things you're being called or asked to do are completely nonsensical.

I was insulted by a telemarketer today after telling him that 'we were not interested but I could take a message.' He was selling leads, something I know for a fact we don't buy into. He called me "unprofessional," said he was "not interested in talking to [me]" for my "bitch attitude" (all, of course, heavily accented, so these derogatory remarks were even more of a shocker), and at some point, said something that sounded like "hussy."

Umm ... what?

I told him very firmly, after he started insulting me, that if he wasn't going to be nice, I didn't want to talk to him. His response was, "Well, I didn't want to talk to you; this is regarding a professional sales matter that doesn't concern you, since you are not a professional." Rather than stoop to the level he was goading me to, I simply hung up, as my boss had said once before to do when telemarketers got aggressive and angry.

I'm not sure if it was sheer ballsiness or stupidity, but a second after hanging up, he called back, and was brassy enough to skip the introduction this time and launch right back into insults. I said, "Fine, let me see if The Boss will speak with you," and put him on "park."

Well, before I could even go find The Boss, he called again from another phone. Then again. Then again. An obvious move to block all the phone lines until someone patched him through.

Due to his aggressiveness (and the fact that I was already really too busy to deal with this nonsense), I went to interrupt The Boss's meeting. He was not happy, but it made him even more unhappy to know that I was being berated by a nasty telemarketer with no idea how to sell.

I mean, really! Being a negative asshole to an employee of a company you're trying to do business with? Doesn't sound like a smart sales move to me. Customer service much?

I went back to my desk, and from the same number (since Mean Guy was now firmly ensconced in conversation with The Boss), some lady called, asking for someone that doesn't work here and never has. I let her know that someone from her company just called and was very, very nasty, and has turned us off completely from her company. I was in no mood to be charitable at this point.

Apparently, neither was The Boss. The Boss, in very colorful language, told him very explicitly where he could stick what, when, and with whom, and dared him to call ever again and mistreat his employees.

Take THAT, eLeads. I hope the Better Business Bureau gets at you.

Here's the number NOT to pick up the phone for --
301 727 7297

P.S. Mean Guy, you really hurt my feelings.

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